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Zelus Wallet: a Walkthrough
Pablo Laboreo avatar
Written by Pablo Laboreo
Updated over 2 years ago

Zelus wallet consists of 4 sections with distinctive functionalities.

Use the bottom navigation icons to access and explore each of them:

  1. My NFTs,

  2. (Crypto) Wallet,

  3. WalletConnect, and

  4. Hub.

1. My NFTs: home of all your collectibles

This section of the app is all about the NFTs you own.

In the general view you can see a preview of all your collectibles, as well as: their title or name, the artist name and the blockchain the collectible belongs to. Music and video collectibles can be recognized by a 'play' icon. Verified items from high-profile collections will also show a coloured checkmark.

Generally, collectibles appear organized according to when they were added to your wallet - newest at the top, oldest at the bottom. Collectibles marked as 'Favorites' will show up first. You can mark items as favorites by tapping on the 'star' icon from detailed view.

  • Use the dropdown filter to show only those collectibles you have marked as 'Favourites' or those from a specific collection.

  • See a more detailed view by tapping on any of your collectibles.

  • Copy or share your wallet address by tapping on the pink-orange central button of the navigation bar. This central button is contextual, meaning that the actions displayed under it change depending on which section of the app you are - with the aim of providing a more relevant and neat user experience.

NFT details

Tap on any of your collectibles to see them in full detail.

  • Tap on the icon at the top-right of the image to experience the NFT in full-screen for images or player mode for video and music.

  • Expand the subsections to find information about the traits and technical details, as well as the item's price and ownership history.

  • Use the icons at the top right of the screen to refresh the metadata, share, download or add the item to favorites. Favorited collectibles will show up first in the general view.

  • Send the item to another wallet address of your choice using the 'Send NFT' button at the bottom of the screen.

  • For items from high-profile collections you will also be able to check their social channels and official website using the correspondent icons just above the 'Send NFT' button.

2. Crypto Wallet: all your coins in one place

You can manage all your crypto from this section.

The wallet is structured in two main tabs: 'Coins' and 'Activity'. You can also tap on the contextual button for quick transactions: Swap, Receive and Send.

Use the 'Coins' tab to:

  • See your current total balance in USD, sum of all different coins stored in your wallet, at the top of the screen. You can also display here other coins you are interested in.

  • Check your coins. Besides the logo and name of the coin, each card shows:

    • the blockchain it belongs to;

    • its current value in USD as well as the value difference in the last 24h; and

    • the amount you own and its equivalence in USD.

  • Use the dropdown to filter coins by the blockchain they belong to.

  • Add other coins to be displayed by using the colored 'Follow' button. Switch on the toggle of the coin you'd like to add to the display list.

  • You may also tap on any of the coins in your list to access a dedicated screen from where you can send or receive amounts and check your wallet's transaction history.

The 'Activity' tab lists all transactions involving your wallet. Use the dropdown to filter transactions by the blockchain they were performed on. Tap on any specific transaction to see more details.

3. WalletConnect: Connect to hundreds of dapps

The third section of the app is all about connecting your wallet to other sites and applications so you can make payments and purchases.

  • Scan QR code to connect. Most blockchain sites and apps will show you a QR code in order to connect your wallet and log in. Use the 'Scan QR code' button and catch the code with your phone camera.

  • See the connection details or change network by expanding the appropriate card from the list. Find out more about changing network.

  • Disconnect your wallet from the site or app once you finish by tapping the 'Disconnect' button from expanded view.

4. Zelus Hub: Settings, Security and Support

The Hub is the place where you can find the wallet settings, check security information such as your recovery phrase and find answers to most questions you may have while using the app.

Tap on 'Chat with us' for customer support.

Learn more about Zelus wallet, cryptocurrency and NFTs with our knowledge base educational articles. You can access these via the 'I want to know more' button.

Use the contextual central button to expand additional actions:

  • Choose Settings to edit personal information, turn notifications on and off, clear cache and modify payment methods.

  • Visit Security to review and store your Recovery Phrase in a safe place, activate or deactivate biometric authentication

  • Find our more About us (Zelus), check Terms & Conditions or visit our social channels.

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